Tag: HF

  • SOTA saved by 2m

    SOTA saved by 2m

    It’s been a few weeks since my last activation and I wanted to go out. I didn’t have much time as I was meant to be sorting out the garage, so I picked a summit close to home, Cairn-Mon-Earn (GM/ES-080). It’s quite an easy walk following the loggers roads up to the summit. There are…

  • First SOTA Activation

    First SOTA Activation

    I’ve chased a few SOTA activators before, it’s quite a fun thing to do, you watch the spotting website and then see if you can get them. Once someone posts a spot it’s pretty quick for them to get a pile up. I’ve kept thinking about doing it, and I do live in an ideal…

  • CQWW SSB Contest 2023

    CQWW SSB Contest 2023

    If ever there’s a time when the bands are busy, it’s the huge contest of CQWW. 12th in Scotland isn’t bad for 3.9 hours of operation. Least I don’t think so. Here’s my log summary ************************** Summary *************************** 94 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates or missing exchanges) 93 Final QSO after checking…

  • A great day on 10

    A great day on 10

    If you’ve been paying any attention you would know propagation on 10m has been exceptional this past week or so. Given my shack relocation, I’ve been missing out on it…until today! I had some time around lunchtime and when I looked at the maximum usable frequency on this site, I was amazed to see the…

  • Portable ops in the Cairngorms

    Portable ops in the Cairngorms

    My first radio was the Xiegu G90, and when I bought my Yaesu FT-DX10 I decided I’d keep the G90 for portable operations. It’s pretty small, 20W, and I already have it and know how it works. With a few days planned to stay near Aviemore in the summer holidays I thought it was the…