
Bonus 4th summit


Alex Johnstone


January 15, 2025

The final summit of the day. As I had time, I thought I’d do this one as I knew it would be a quick walk. There are a few 1 pointers in this area which I’d like to activate eventually, and this helped tick it off my list.

Looking across to Ben Rinnes

Looking across to Ben Rinnes

It seems a popular spot for dog walkers as the “car park” was nearly full when I arrived. A wind farm has been built on the hill, so it’s made up roads nearly to the top. It’s also a very gentle gradient of hardly any climb, so pushing the very limits of the definition of summit. It took less than 20 minutes to reach the summit, a few well balanced stones.

At the top

At the top

I went back to the road to make use of the snow markers as a support for the mast and setup. Fraser wanted to try and make a contact as he wanted Knockan for a complete (where you activate and chase a summit). Quite the lengths to get a complete whilst on holiday in Cyprus! We tried 15m to start and he was pretty good this time, 43 to me. After that I started looking around for other summits but I was wasting time and just wanted to get it qualified and done, so moved to 20m and soon had a nice run for 5 minutes before calling it quits. Takes longer to setup and take down the station than get to the top! Back to the car in no time and away home.

Roadside station

Roadside station


If you have any comments or questions, please send me an email.