Carn Ealasaid

More peat hags


Alex Johnstone


March 7, 2025

After the first summit today, I was back to the car, up the road to the Lecht ski centre for Carn Ealasaid! It is very close, so seems silly not to do it. I did this one last year with my daughter, the weather was also lovely, although once I got on the air the cloud moved in and we had to make a quick exit. I was taking the same route today.

Ski centre

Ski centre

In some ways, quite a similar route, steep at first and then undulating to the summit. Oh and peat hags ! πŸ˜…

No shortcuts!

No shortcuts!

Peat Hags!

Peat Hags!

As far as the eye can see

As far as the eye can see

Summit in sight

Summit in sight

You can follow the path that tries to steer clear of them to one side, but it’s hard on the way back, not wanting to take a more direct route!



Not much of a summit, and whilst the wind picked up a little, the cairn was enough support for the mast.



Simon was still on the Buck, so another S2S with him. Fraser was back home but called in on 2m. 2m was dead otherwise, so back to HF. This time 40m, a S2S with England, then a S2S on 17m and then one QSO on 10m to North Carolina.

Back down to the ski centre, for a cup of tea and slice of tiffen to go.

If you have any comments or questions, please send me an email.