Hill of Tillymorgan

3rd summit of the day!


Alex Johnstone


September 4, 2024

Looking back at Foudland

Looking back at Foudland

A quick drive across the A96 and I was parked by the old church - Kirkton of Culsalmond Old Parish Church. The path is easy, straight up the road to the turbines and then either around them bypassing the fence, or past them and then finding a spot where the barbed wire fence has come down.

They’re big!

They’re big!

South towards Bennachie

South towards Bennachie

Doesn’t take long and you’re in the activation zone, but I wanted to get to the trig point. Turns out there’s an old quarry here and you have to navigate it, but the trig offers lovely views all around once you do get there.



Decided to setup the yagi again and try it out, just on FM this time. The wind blew it around a little which caused signal reports to jump up and down. Managed across the water to the North to Helmsdale, about 100 km away…from the back of the yagi! I was 53 at first but when I turned it around I was 59 to him.

Just managed four in the log but that was enough, starting to feel the days activities now and it was time to be heading home. My shoes hadn’t done well on Cairn William, and were soaked back then, and still wet now.

Looking tired!

Looking tired!