CQWW SSB Contest 2023

It’s the taking part


Alex Johnstone


February 3, 2024

If ever there’s a time when the bands are busy, it’s the huge contest of CQWW.

My certificate

My certificate

12th in Scotland isn’t bad for 3.9 hours of operation. Least I don’t think so.

Here’s my log summary

************************** Summary ***************************

      94 Raw    QSO before checking (does not include duplicates or missing exchanges)
      93 Final  QSO after  checking reductions

     108 Raw    QSO points
     105 Final  QSO points

      17 Raw    zones
      17 Final  zones

      56 Raw    countries
      56 Final  countries

      73 Raw    mults
      73 Final  mults

    7884 Raw    score
    7665 Final  score

    1.1% error rate based on raw and final qso counts
    2.8% score reduction
      1  (1.1%) not in log
      0  (0.0%) incorrect calls
      0  (0.0%) incorrect exchanges
      0  (0.0%) missing exchanges
      0  (0.0%) duplicates removed
      0  (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

********************** Results By Band ***********************

             Band   QSO  QPts  Zone Cty Mult

   Raw       160M     0     0     0   0    0
   Final     160M     0     0     0   0    0

   Raw        80M     0     0     0   0    0
   Final      80M     0     0     0   0    0

   Raw        40M    36    38     4  19   23
   Final      40M    35    35     4  19   23

   Raw        20M    33    39     5  21   26
   Final      20M    33    39     5  21   26

   Raw        15M     3     3     3   3    6
   Final      15M     3     3     3   3    6

   Raw        10M    22    28     5  13   18
   Final      10M    22    28     5  13   18

   Raw        All    94   108    17  56   73      7884
   Final      All    93   105    17  56   73      7665

************************* Not In Log *************************

 7061 PH 2023-10-29 2102 GM5ALX   14   IZ1OSP   15

*******************  Multipliers by Band  ********************

40M multiplier total 23

9A    DL    F     G     GW    I     LA    LY    OE    OK
OM    ON    OZ    PA    S5    SP    UA9   YO    YT

 14 15 18 20

20M multiplier total 26

9A    CN    CT    E7    EA    EA8   ES    F     HA    I
IG9   IT9   LX    LZ    S5    SP    SV    UA    UR    YL

 14 15 16 20 33

15M multiplier total 6

CU    HA    UA

 14 15 16

10M multiplier total 18

9K    CT3   HA    I     IT9   LZ    SV    TA    UA    UR
YO    YT    Z3

 15 16 20 21 33

************ Stations Copying GM5ALX Incorrectly *************

14209 PH 2023-10-29 1320 HA2KMR   15   GN5ALX   14
14205 PH 2023-10-29 1322 HG5A     15   M5ALX    14
 7198 PH 2023-10-29 1957 YT1A     15   GM5ALE   14
 7163 PH 2023-10-29 2018 SP8R     15   GM5DLX   14