A great day on 10

Lots of new DX


Alex Johnstone


October 14, 2023

If you’ve been paying any attention you would know propagation on 10m has been exceptional this past week or so. Given my shack relocation, I’ve been missing out on it…until today!

I had some time around lunchtime and when I looked at the maximum usable frequency on this site, I was amazed to see the whole of the UK (including Scotland!) was around 40!



Needless to say, I could hear all over the world, and they could hear me too.

10m QSOs

10m QSOs

Several new DX locations for me today: China, Taiwan, Columbia, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, plus some other good locations like South Africa. Later on the evening I tried 20m and got Cayman Islands, and Thailand.

Hopefully these new locations confirm the QSOs, and that’ll take me closer to the 100 DXCC milestone. I have now worked 100 DX entities in my log, but only 75 have confirmed via LOTW (although 87 via qrz.com).