Category: QO-100

  • QO-100 Build: Part 2 – The Hardware

    QO-100 Build: Part 2 – The Hardware

    I spent a while debating if I really wanted to build this. I knew the build would be fun, but would it be fun using it? I also knew it wasn’t cheap, and would I regret it once I was done? After a few weeks of thinking this whilst researching the build, I ended up…

  • QO-100 Build: Part 1 – The Design

    QO-100 Build: Part 1 – The Design

    I think I first heard about QO-100 when looking at a local amateur’s QRZ page. He’d setup a couple of satellite dishes in his garden and had his QO-100 DX Club logo on his profile page, along with some other links. That started me down the rabbit hole. 🐇🛰️ Briefly, and there’s more details here,…